So after a slightly longer than planned break; finishing a-levels, moving house and a chaotic first term of uni BrokeFromBooks is back!
I've been thinking about my first post back a lot...
What do I say?
Should I be planning more? How do you even plan?
What if I've left it too long?
And like 1000 other questions because I'm a huge over thinker! But as Beth Garrod wisely said (and I hope I don't misquote) 'Sometimes you've just gotta write it all down and edit it later'... 'and have a piece of cake'.
So after the pleasure that was returning to my second bloggers Brunch at the lovely bookish offices of Scholastic: meeting authors, learning about the whole process of book publishing from an idea to a published book and of course being sorted at long last into my Hogwarts house by none other than Melinda Salisbury. (It's Ravenclaw by the way). I knew it was time.
Photo of the sorting process with credit to Sally @TheDarkDictator
I've got a few reviews up my sleeve that I'll be posting soon, but overwhelmingly I just have to share some of the amazing books I found out about.
Books you'll see appear on my shelf, probably my instagram and most importantly that I'll be reading:
I'll limit myself to three as otherwise I know I'll just list every Scholastic book being released in 2017 as they all were all so different and intriguing in a variety of ways...
Number One is... Ink by Alice Broadway
This beauty is only the Proof Cover.
You wouldn't think it possible but the actual finished cover is even more impressive!
This debut novel tells the story of Leora. In a world where every moment, choice and event in your life is tattooed onto your skin for all eternity. When her father dies Leonora wants his tattoos preserved into an ink book so he may be preserved and remembered forever.
But Leonora discovers her father's ink has been edited and it isn't complete.
When everything she thought she knew about her father is put into question what will she do?
This breathtakingly new idea is brilliant I know I can't wait to get a copy myself.
I also had the pleasant opportunity to talk to Alice and she is amazing and lovely too.
Ink is out in February 2016.
Next up is Damage by Eve Ainsworth
Listening to Eve talk, I got a feeling of genuine passion about the arguably 'tough topics' she writes about in all her books. And certainly a true and unique insight both through her career and enthusiasm.
Damage tells the story of Gabi who as a result of a secret is left feeling both isolated and alone.
Gabi turns to self-harm.
I really think Eve's talk of how stories like this must be written reigns true.
For a lot of people I'm sure that this will be a tough story to read and digest whether it's a subject close to home or not.
But I think stories no matter how tough should be read and so I'll definitely be picking this up to uncover Gabi's story.
Damage is out March 2017.
Last but definitely not least is Noah Can't Even by Simon James Green
Noah Can't Even tells the story of Noah who comes from a troubled family. After his father disappears the chaos continues.
And then his best and only friend Harry kisses him.
The story tells the hectic tale of Noah's life and is both a coming of age and coming out novel.
I was literally SO impressed seeing the design process for the Scholastic covers again this year but especially the design of this one.
It's unique, out there and funny and from what I've heard all those features are largely reflective of the story.
Noah Can't Even is out May 2017.
Well that's all for now a huge Thanks to the Scholastic team, Authors and Bloggers who made yesterday so great.
*All book descriptions adapted from information provided by Scholastic, I don't own rights to any of the photos included.