Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Island by Olivia Levez Review

WOW is the first word that comes to mind. Utterly I am lost for words. I've read a lot of books but The Island has just really caught me.
So I honestly don't know how I can put this book into words besides YOU MUST READ IT!
But I'll start at the beginning...

Getting the book
The lovely Caitlin (at Rock The Boat) emailed me information about some of the new releases among them was The Island.
Now, I'll be honest: the description intrigued me (see below), the cover art looked really cool, but I was slightly hesitant in that my only island book/movie experience was Life of Pi which was rather disappointing (certainly not my cup of tea).
However the cover art also revealed a really thought provoking slogan, 'All is not lost... but some things are hard to find' which really stuck with me.
The Description: 
Frances is alone on a small island in the middle of the Indian ocean. She has to find food and water. She has to survive. And when she is there she also thinks about the past. The things that she did before. The things that made her a monster. Nothing is easy.  Survival is hard and so is being honest about the past. Frances is a survivor however and with the help of the only other crash survivor she sees that the future is worth fighting for.

So I thought I'd try the book and decide for myself.
I was extremely lucky enough to get a final copy before it was out. (big thanks to the Rock The Boat Team! and a huge Happy Belated Book Birthday Olivia!)

so now onto the best part... The Island Review (spoiler free)

The Story/Narrative
The story is well and truly Fran's story. I really appreciated that Olivia kept Fran at the centre of the story yet intertwined the lives of others carefully into the story. The other survivor (who shall remain nameless) had their story told without the narrative completely shifting from Fran, similarly the life of Fran's family were carefully revealed maintaining Fran's viewpoint. Additionally I loved the way the story was told through relevant headings. To name a few there were:

  • Flying Fish and Torture Chairs
  • I wish 
  • Dear Whoever and
  • Do Dreams Have Wet Noses?

These divided the narrative into tiny little chapters revealing the past and present life of Fran. I really liked that I could identify with the heading as I read on. -They were short enough you could take a break at lots of points but the story was so intriguing you'll want to read on!
There was also a really unique voice of Fran throughout: her way of listing, her tone, her thoughts, etc which I really enjoyed!
ALSO... I nearly forgot to mention that I love how Olivia built relationships between characters without following the typical they must fall in love and live happily ever after template I really thought that was unique.

There were times where I questioned myself, but overall I loved Fran. Yes she is sarcastic, a bit reckless and at times bitterly mean. However, her personality is so vibrant that I found it very difficult to dislike her. She's a character built of many layers and experiences who ultimately just wants to be happy and I feel it's certainly very difficult to dislike her for that.

Lastly The Ending
Just like with Fran as much as I want to hate the ending I can't. The story literally has the biggest cliffhanger and the annoying thing is it works really well. Overall it was a great place to finish but I do wish I could know more as always. This was definitely a story I didn't want to end.

Reading this book was engaging and was definitely a journey with Fran; learning and understanding her life. The book was beautifully written and so accurate I felt like I was also on the island trying to survive learning new things with every page.
I'm really glad I chose to read this book and certainly can't wait to read Olivia's new book next year!

Thanks for reading my review, see you soon! (Sending bookish magic with this unique GIF!)

book disney books

Friday, 26 February 2016

Illumicrate Review

Well... It's been put off for a good week due to my very chaotic Half Term but I'm finally pleased to be reviewing illumicrate!

Advance warning this will contain spoilers (I'll be going through everything in the box, but I've added warnings further down)

So a few short facts about illumicrate if you're haven't already heard about it:
~illumicrate is the UK's first ever YA subscription box.
~boxes are delivered quarterly (three months apart).
~boxes contain a book (so far they've all had signed bookplates)...
~and exclusive bookish items.
~and the genius behind the idea is Daphne behind @WingedReviews

My Thoughts (Spoiler Free):
I was really impressed with this Quarters box the book is intriguing and I love that it has a signed bookplate!
I really like that the items are exclusive and if those listed below I think all but one are completely exclusive.
Daphne is really organised: not only has she managed to create lovely exclusive bookish boxes for the masses of book lovers out there, but she's still customer centred. I had a slight problem with my Box and she was really quick to get in contact to help sort it out, which I really appreciated. 
I feel like illumicrate is definitely something people should try as a UK book lover its: new, exciting and such a nice trimonthly present to arrive at your door.


Inside the Box:

1) Truthwitch by Susan Dennard (with signed Bookplate)
I really like that the books selected so far have included signed bookplates and aren't books I would normally buy. To elaborate that's more because I am naturally quite particular in my book buying genre, but I love that I'm introduced to new books diversifying my reading.

2) Bookshelf Pencilcase by Elena Illustration *EXCLUSIVE*
LOVE IT! I'm pretty sure this was one of the first things I saw in the box and it's just super! It also looks really well made with a good strong zip so it should last.

3) Loveboat Magnetic Bookmark Set *EXCLUSIVE*
I've been admiring magnetic bookmarks on etsy for realistically much too long so I was really pleased to find some in my box!

4) A Darker Scent of Magic Candle *EXCLUSIVE*
Things I love besides Pop Vinyls and Netflix: books and candles. Well combining two in one and with such an amazing smell sold me completely. I only wish it could be bigger!

5) Book Quote Pencils *EXCLUSIVE*
I had a problem with one that Daphne was quick to respond to. Ignoring that, Overall the quotes and colours were lovely. I do love quote pencils so was pleased to see they were a feature of the box.

6) Threadsisters Bookmark  by Daydreaming Designs *EXCLUSIVE*
I'll be honest this bookmark was so coordinated with the book I presumed it was made by the publisher so great job!

7) Added goodies:The It Girl bookmark and tote & The Dark Days Club badges and bookmark
Added goodies are always an added bonus. I adore book totes so that was a particular favourite.

So that's the box. I'd definitely recommend it if that wasn't already apparent, and I'll definitely be waiting by the front door eagerly for next quarter's box!

Note: the lack of pictures was due to my not so cooperative technology this week, but I'll be posting lots of photos on Instagram and hopefully adding some too. (@brokefrombooks)

I'll see you next week for my review of The Island by Olivia Levez, until then HAPPY READING!

Friday, 29 January 2016

Friday Five: The Last Five Books I brought (kinda)

It's FRIDAYYYYYY and I won't lie I've brought a lot-ta books recently... (GIFS are back)

So as hard as I try I physically can't list just 5 so it'll be 5ish books I recently brought (more like 20).


Okay so Number 1 is not actually 1 book (I'm not claiming I have self restraint at book shopping). But it's super stunning which makes up for the fact I got 6. *covers eyes*

That said I would like to share a little secret: you don't have to have lots of money to buy these in fact I picked them up at the BARGAIN price of just £12.99 (Link to Snazal here) despite already owning them which is very reasonable in my defense. (I did spend a lot overall though which probably isn't good but I got a lot too).

Number 2 was Silence is Goldfish by Annabel Pitcher

I heard about this book initially at YALC from Annabel and have been meaning to pick it up ever since.

Short synopsis: My name is Tess Turner - at least, that's what I've always been told.
I have a voice but it isn't mine. It used to say things so I'd fit in, to please my parents, to please my teachers. It used to tell the universe I was something I wasn't. It lied.
It never occurred to me that everyone else was lying too. But the words that really hurt weren't the lies: it was six hundred and seventeen words of truth that turned my world upside down.
I can't wait to read it it sounds so interesting!

Oh and check out the lovely cover art!!!

That brings us to Number 3 (conveniently three books at once)

I picked up three of the many colourful wonders that are David Levithan's books.
I got:

How They Met


Two Boys Kissing

But there's still more of his books I'd like to get!

P.s. you should all watch Naomi and Eli's No Kiss List on Netflix

I love how colourful they all are and so unified too!

Number 4 (Nearly there)

Christmas is So Over *cries* but the GIF below illustrates me after Christmas (Santa suit and all).




Number 5

May the odds be ever in your Favor!!


I wish I had all three yet strangely I can only find Mockingjay (maybe it's fate!)(Or not as I'll still buy them inevitably).

Remakes of cover art never fail to impress me.. asdfghjkl

Well that's all my five (sort of). Until next time... HAPPY READING!!!

Sophia (definitely, BrokeFromBooks)

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Look Who Emerged From their Mountainous TBR & Review of Paperweight byMeg Haston

Hello (after all this time I should've probably thought of a better opening) jokes aside I'm so sorry for my disappearing act.

So I'm in my second year of a levels and as a result of last year I'll be sitting 5 separate a level subjects which amounts to about 15 hours of exams this summer. *crawls in a corner and cries* 

So (there's probably gonna be a lot of so's in this post) I was planning on waiting till my Bookstagram Birthday (which I'll still definitely be celebrating as who needs an excuse for cake), but I'm off to a really good start this year and have just missed the bookish community so much so please bear with me as I return to this awesome world. I'll definitely try my best to stay.

Okay so without further ado lets blog! 


Firstly this book was amazing! It was so amazing for countless reasons but I've managed to compose my thoughts into ten main points.

1) The book felt so real- I really felt like I was living in the treatment centre and felt like I was there with the characters. I was a part of Stevie's world.

2) Constant intrigue- I don't think there was a single point in the story where I didn't have a question that was urging me to read on. I really liked that as it meant I constantly wanted to read on.

3) Honest outlook at eating disorders (and more)- I myself haven't experienced an eating disorder but there was never a shred of doubt that Stevie's journey wasn't real. A part of me could definitely identify with Stevie and not just her eating disorder, as the story is far more than that and she definitely isn't her illness.

4) I was lost in the book (in a good way)- There's this technical term in film studies (one of my many subjects) called suspension of disbelief. It describes how a film makes us forget we are just sitting watching a series of moving images cut to form a sequence with added sound and be completely engrossed. Well my disbelief was so real I was utterly confused when I turned what was the final page and realised the story was over. That said it was a good place to end (not that I wanted it to).

5) Title significance- I just love when a title has relevance and early on there was a quote that just explained the title perfectly and how Stevie felt weighted.

6) Family- I'm a family orientated person and I often find some books the characters families are just completely overlooked. This however, really took the time to acknowledge all of Stevie's household and I appreciated that.

7) The flicking narrative- If you've ever been completely confused at what's happening, when it's happening, flashbacks, reality etc then I feel your pain. But, you'll appreciate the fact that the narrative is so clear that I never had to take a break and map out the story (I have actually done that before *awkward*)

8) Untypical- I feel mental illness is becoming more common in literature but I personally haven't seen eating disorders in literature a lot so I really liked that. Once again though I want to reiterate that this is not just a story about eating disorders it's so much more. (I promise I'm not spoiling the story)

9) Character identity- I really loved how all the girls particularly were kept so unique it was such a great factor in the book.

10) It's the first book I've read and enjoyed in a long while- Last but not least I loved this book purely and simply because it was a good interesting read.

Well that's all for now so until next time, Happy Reading guys and gals! 
