Thursday, 23 July 2015

Review Thursday: Remix by Non Pratt (+ a bit of YALC)

It's Thursday!! And that makes it time for my first Official Blog Review! *cheers and dances* 

Okay... So, for my first review, considering its the start of summer, I decided to review Remix by Non Pratt. However, I already reviewed this for Maximum Pop (Q&A style) so I'll make it not too long and leave the link below.

If you haven't become completely distracted from Maximum Pop's fabulous website then Congratulations! & enjoy my review.

About Remix
Author- Non Pratt
Pages- 304
Published- June 4th 2015
GoodReads Summary-

From the author of Trouble comes a new novel about boys, bands and best mates.
Kaz is still reeling from being dumped by the love of her life... Ruby is bored of hearing about it. Time to change the record. Three days. two best mates. One music festival. Zero chance of everything working out.

My Thoughts on Remix
The cover for Remix instantly grabbed me. Yellow books are just sunshine on my shelves and the Festival style cover is just perfection! (Great work publishers you got me!) From the start of the book I could instantly draw different similarities between myself and both Kaz and Ruby which I loved. The book covered a variety of themes including; sex, relationships, lies and life. But I really appreciated that beyond all else the theme of friendship overshadowed the whole book which I feel is rare. Remix was Unique Non could easily have focused the whole book on sex yet instead she told the story of friendship which was truly admirable. The split perspective was so individual as beyond the characters individual fonts they also had distinct voices and personalities. 
I really enjoyed this book and think it's truly a great summer read! It's a real, honest story and I certainly have no complaints.

You can get a copy here

Last but not least... YALC
I had the pleasure of meeting Non Pratt last weekend at YALC. She was genuinely so lovely and we discussed the book, characters and a Twitter conversation we'd had after I got Trouble. Non did the coolest signing... (so much so 2 hours later I realised I'd completely forgotten to take a photo with her). But here's a picture of Non from the lovely Google and a picture of my artistically signed and redesigned book. (Please note: This in no way affected my review of the book and the review was written prior to meeting Non.)

That's about all for now. Until my next post on Monday , Laters!

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